Anklestone foot and ankle injury device

Foot & Ankle Anatomy

The human foot and ankle joint is a strong and complex mechanical structure. Made up of 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons, they bravely bare our weight and incredible stress with every step we take.

Pain and tightness after injury or post-surgery are also conditions that send millions of people searching for relief.

Tightness and poor alignment of your feet and ankles can spread to imbalance and pain in your knees, hips and lower back. The bottom line is healthy feet and ankles can create a healthier pain-free you.

Rough surface
AnkleSTONE® coarse pumice-like surface always feels great on your feet. Use to massage and stimulate blood flow and relaxation.
Use the Roll Bar at the rounded top edge of AnkleSTONE® to gently massage soft tissue by rolling your foot back and forth over the bar to relieve pain and improve flexibility.

Imagine having your own FOOT MASSAGE anytime. You, like many others will LOVE the deep tissue massage that AnkleSTONE® provides. The massage ‘Roll Bar’ is fantastic for gentle or aggressive massage. Everyone delights at the rough surface of the stone is ideal for therapeutic and invigorating pressure to stimulate blood flow and tissue. You could enjoy a massaging stretch right now as you work on your computer. For joints and soft tissue this is the orthopedic tool for proper positioning and progressive stretch.

Prevent Injury by Stretching

Increasing the flexibility of tendons has been shown to reduce injury. Intense activity like jumping, running and dancing put high loads on tendons. This is especially true for the often injured Achilles tendon. Regular stretching must be practiced to avoid these injuries. Plus, the energy capacity of the lengthened tendons improves movement and athletic performance.

It is the biologic nature and plasticity of soft tissue such as tendons, ligaments, even scar tissue to elongate and restore to full range and pain free status. It’s this ‘plasticity’ of soft tissue that makes therapeutic stretching so effective for restoring range-of-motion and eliminating pain. Stretching improves the elastic properties of muscle-tendon units which improves their stretch tolerance.


Medical Conditions of the Feet and Ankles

Plantar Fasciitis

Affects 10 percent of the population and accounts for about 1 million physician visits each year. The painful condition is especially prevalent in runners and other athletes.

Achilles Tendon Injury

The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. The injury often persists as a ‘recurrent’ inflammatory issue.

A non-surgical solution is stretching therapy which is an incredibly effective method of treatment. Maintaining ‘elasticity’ through regular stretching is key to reducing injury.

To avoid musculoskeletal injury and overuse injury the tendon must be kept elastic and long. 

Common Injury among Athletes – According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 25 percent of athletic injuries are foot and ankle-related.


Scar tissue from surgical procedures is problematical to functional movement.

Stretching, with controlled progressive stops, helps you repair your range of motion much faster.

Bunion Corrective Surgery (also Osteotomy, arthrodesis) often results in difficulty to push off when walking due to stiff joints or corrective surgical tightening of ligaments and tendons.

Big Toe Immobility

Walking requires push off… often the big toe doesn’t bend as it should to allow push off, typically after surgery. Inflammatory scar tissue can result in significant restrictions in joint mobility. Without toe push-off during gait (walking), the foot does not perform as it should. A distorted walking pattern will disturb the alignment of related joints and tissues, leading to knee, hip and low back pain.

Diabetic Foot

Diabetic foot problems are a major health concern. Two serious complications of Diabetes are nerve damage (neuropathy) and poor circulation. Their consequences can be severe. PREVENTION of damaging foot problems should include a regimen of daily flexibility exercise to improve range of motion.

Poor Balance

Foot and ankle impairments affect balance and mobility. Strength and range of motion of the foot and ankle have been shown to be related to measures of balance.

Therapy & Exercise

Your doctor or physical therapist may recommend exercises to restore your foot strength and range of motion after surgery or injury. AnkleSTONE® provides a better way to stretch out tight tissues, to recover from contracture formation with proper positioning, and controlled joint load for progressive recovery at home.

Limited foot and ankle medical wellness products are available for doctors and most are ineffective makeshift home remedies along with devices offering little to no therapeutic value. Plastic Water bottles that collapse and explode are ineffective for the deep tissue needs. Tennis balls are useless as they roll away and cause the foot to cramp in attempts to stop the ball from rolling away. Wall stretches are limited to one position and manual stretches of the foot are time consuming and offer limited stretching force. These awkward and unpopular devices do little to restore feet and ankles to their preinjury conditions.

Benefits of AnkleSTONE® Therapy

You can speed your recovery of your musculoskeletal mobility issues. AnkleSTONE® improves therapy for the resulting contractures, tight joints and movement restrictions that must be overcome for full function and mobility. Return to your sport or other activity by being proactive about your foot and ankle recovery.

AnkleSTONE® therapy enables the mechanical stretch necessary to alter the length and flexibility of the tissue to allow for healing and increased range of motion for walking and general mobility. Stretching is made easier with controlled and proper positioning.

Stretching is progressive with the proper joint load to allow progressive recovery.
If you are attending therapy, AnkleSTONE® will help you to gain range of motion, conveniently at home, between therapy visits. And will Speed your recovery by providing extra therapy sessions to augment the recovery. Shorter, controlled and frequent stretches are what will improve the elasticity of the soft tissue.

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